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Consider the fact that more than 6 million Americans currently live with dementia, a struggling population which is rapidly increasing. Further, empathize with how this condition without a cure impacts their families, caregivers and our medical systems. In 2021, Alzheimer’s and other dementias will cost our nation $355 billion and by 2050, this is projected to grow to $1.1 trillion.

Or that overall, about 80% of dementias are in people aged 75 years and older, while the number of people with this condition is expected to increase to 66 million by 2030 and 131 million by 2050, driven by rising numbers of older adults. .

As these remarkable numbers speak, our society should be more aware, listen up and be called to action. Please learn more here.

Given this medically essential information, Did You Know?

For those older than 60 years, the risk of dementia is closely related to the severity of hearing loss.

As we think about our Golden Years or those of our loved ones, there are actions we should take which may prevent or delay the onset of dementia, while potentially reducing its severity.

Research indicates hearing loss is one of the most important modifiable risk factors, along with related medical conditions and lifestyle issues such as diabetes, hypertension, smoking, social isolation and depression. Increasing evidence suggests social isolation is a key risk factor for dementia, once again emphasizing the crucial role communication wellness plays in quality of life.

Sensory overload or overstimulation appears strongly associated, a key reason why proactively increasing cognitive reserves via physical exercise, intellectual stimulation and leisure activities may have preventative benefits. It is encouraging to know evolving research implies that experiencing the joy of hearing to the best of your ability may also promote mental resilience.

In the meantime, scientific studies focus on potential brain mechanisms for preventative strategies in dementia including preserved hearing, increased brain cognitive reserve, rich social networks, reduced depression and reduced brain damage from vascular, neurotoxic or oxidative stress.

These ongoing findings highlight that Better Hearing is Better Healthcare. Are you or any loved ones experiencing early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease? By proactively seeing us for periodic evaluations, we will accurately diagnose your current hearing status and provide personalized solutions which empower you to hear your best, socialize in pleasurable ways and promote mental resilience.

We are here to help, compassionately so, consistently wanting to deliver the trusted wellness information you need and personal touch you deserve. From our perspective, learning more about how hearing loss relates to dementia and exploring healthy steps we can take together makes good sense.

HealthScapes 2019
North Hills Hearing and Balance Center

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