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Tinnitus Treatment in Hurst, TX

Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is highly prevalent, often chronic and can negatively impact quality of life. In the U.S., it is estimated that 35-50 million Americans struggle with Tinnitus and for approximately 2 million people it can be severe or even debilitating. Many suffer from daily anxiety, depressive symptoms and sleep disorders. For those with Tinnitus, it is crucial to benefit from professional advice on how to take control of and manage this common condition.

As stated by the American Tinnitus Association:

There is currently no scientifically-validated cure for most types of Tinnitus. There are, however, treatment options that can ease the perceived burden of tinnitus, allowing patients to live more comfortable, productive lives.

Did you know? …

A high percentage of those with Tinnitus also have notable hearing loss.

It is important to be aware that treating hearing loss can also help reduce the severity of tinnitus symptoms. By hearing other sounds in their daily environments better, tinnitus or “head noise” can come to be more in the background, not foreground, providing significant relief to those in need. Think about it, when unwanted noises are most or all of what you hear, they can have more negative impact than if they are only one of many sounds, ideally pleasant ones, that you experience. In effect, more pleasant sounds may help to “mask” unpleasant ones.

Groups with higher risk of tinnitus include:

  • Seniors
  • People frequently exposed to loud noises, such as farmers, hunters or those in industry
  • Military personnel
  • Those with Meniere’s Disease, an inner ear disorder that can affect hearing and balance
  • Those with hyperacusis, which is extreme sensitivity to noise

Given the challenges and complexity in properly managing tinnitus, it is vital to get specialty care from a provider with years of experience and extensive training. Those with tinnitus DO have evidence-based treatment options and, with dedicated effort, personalized care plans can greatly improve quality of life.

If you or a loved one have bothersome tinnitus, please see us soon for a caring consultation. As you will learn, there may be ways to hear better, reduce tinnitus symptoms, lessen associated stress and receive helpful counseling on daily management of this condition. While you may have heard or others may say that you need to “learn to live with it”, we can help you minimize tinnitus symptoms and experience precious sounds to the best of your ability.

Trusted advice on tinnitus management matters and we are devoted to compassionately sharing our expertise for your benefit. Please make the decision to take control, you and your loved ones will be glad you did. We provide the tinnitus and hearing health wellness information you need and personal touch you deserve, for life.

HealthScapes 2019
North Hills Hearing and Balance Center

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