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In our fast-paced and often stressful society, heart disease is highly prevalent with approximately 655,000 people dying annually in the U.S. and 17.9 million globally. With an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure, few are aware how your ears can be a “window to your heart.”

ear heart

When we think of “going with the flow,” did you know research indicates our inner ear’s sensitivity to blood flow as well as vessel trauma may enable hearing loss to be an early indicator of and screening test for heart problems. While more people are familiar with how circulatory issues affect heart health, it is also vital to know how they can impact hearing function.

Some types of hearing loss should be considered risk factors with systemic association with heart disease and strokes. This being the case, evidence-based audiologic care should play an essential role in keeping you well-informed about hearing-related cardiovascular risk factors. According to reputable research:

“A strong relationship was found between low-frequency hearing thresholds and cardiovascular events. In both men and women, there was a statistically significant correlation between low-frequency hearing loss and coronary heart disease and stroke.”

Healthy habits matter and the American Heart Association suggests many practical things those with this prevalent disease can do to prevent or delay it, including exercising frequently, controlling blood pressure, eating a nutritious diet and not smoking. Please invest a few minutes to review this informative website:

With all the daily challenges associated with having heart disease or taking care of someone who does, the ability to communicate effectively is essential. In addition, those who do not hear well may become more socially isolated in stressful ways that are not heart healthy. At home, work and play it is beneficial to hear and understand better every day.

Do you have heart disease or a family history which increases your risk of heart disease-related hearing loss? Please see us for periodic evaluations to accurately assess your type and degree of hearing loss. In close coordination with your other healthcare providers, we will suggest healthy options to improve your quality of life and awareness of hearing related cardiovascular risk factors.

Better Hearing is Better Healthcare and as careful listeners, you can trust our sound advice.

HealthScapes 2019
North Hills Hearing and Balance Center

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