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Asian woman drinking coffee and straining to hear the birds outside.

The human body has some fantastic and remarkable abilities. The human body usually has no problem healing cuts, scratches, or broken bones (I mean, sure, it takes a while, but your body can actually mend the giant bones in your arms and legs with little more than a splint and some time).

But you won’t be so fortunate if the fragile hairs in your ears are damaged. For now at least.

It’s really unfortunate that your body can accomplish such great feats of healing but can’t ever re-grow these little hairs. What’s happening there?

When is Hearing Impairment Irreversible?

So let’s have a closer look. You’re sitting in your doctor’s office and you’re absorbing the news: you have hearing loss. So you ask your doctor if your hearing will ever come back. And the answer is… it depends.

It’s a little anticlimactic, speaking dramatically.

But it’s also a fact. There are two general types of hearing loss:

  • Blockage induced hearing loss: You can show every sign of hearing loss when your ear has some type of blockage. A wide variety of things, from something gross (earwax) to something frightening (a tumor), can be the cause of this obstruction. Your hearing will return to normal, luckily, when the obstruction is removed.
  • Damage related hearing loss: But there’s another, more prevalent type of hearing loss. Known scientifically as sensorineural hearing loss, this form of hearing loss is effectively permanent. Here’s what happens: In your ear, there are tiny hairs that vibrate when struck by sound waves. When vibrations are transformed into signals, they are transmitted to the brain which makes them into the sounds you perceive. But loud sounds can cause damage to the hairs and, over time, diminish your hearing to the point where you need treatment.

So here’s the main point: you can recover from one type of hearing loss and you most likely won’t know which one you have without having a hearing exam.

Treating Hearing Loss

Scientists haven’t discovered a “cure” for sensorineural hearing loss but they’re working on it. But your hearing loss still might be treatable. Here are a few ways that the right treatment may help you:

  • Make sure your total quality of life is unaffected or remains high.
  • Preserve and safeguard the hearing you still have.
  • Prevent cognitive decline.
  • Successfully manage hearing loss symptoms you might already have.
  • Avoid isolation by remaining socially involved.

This treatment can take various forms, and it’ll usually depend on how significant your hearing loss is. One of the most prevalent treatments is pretty simple: hearing aids.

Why is Hearing Loss Successfully Treated With Hearing AIds?

You can return to the things and people you love with the help of hearing aids. They can help you hear the discussions, your phone, your television, or even just the sounds of nature. You won’t be straining to hear so pressure will be removed from your brain.

Prevention is The Best Protection

Loud noises and other things that would damage your hearing should be avoided and your ears should be protected against them. Your overall health and well being depend on strong hearing. Having regular hearing exams is the best way to be certain that you are safeguarding your hearing.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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